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Stephen King Revealed Why Humans Are Fascinated With Horror

It's a hidden master class in leadership

In an interview with David Letterman more than 30 years ago, Stephen King delved into the human psyche's dark corners, revealing why we're irresistibly drawn to the thrills and chills of horror. This dialogue is not just a deep dive into the nuances of fear but also unravels an unexpected blueprint for leadership in modern business and organizational settings.

King posits that horror, at its core, plays on the fundamental human condition of fear, transforming it into a source of entertainment. He says, "People like to be scared... it's the same as the old joke about the guy who beat his head against a wall because it feels good when he stops." It's the appeal of horror: the exhilaration of facing our fears in a controlled environment, leading to a profound sense of relief and safety afterward.

Benign violation theory

This concept of deriving pleasure from fear without actual danger ties closely with the "benign violation" theory in psychology. The theory suggests that we enjoy negative experiences like fear, provided they occur in a safe or controlled context. Horror stories allow us to experience fear with a safety net, letting us explore our limits and confront our anxieties without real-world consequences.

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