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The Hiring Crisis in the Nonprofit Sector

What we can do

The nonprofit sector is facing an unprecedented workforce crisis. The latest survey, "Nonprofit Workforce Shortages: A Crisis that Affects Everyone," provides a stark illustration of the challenges we confront daily. With a staggering three out of four nonprofits reporting job vacancies, the landscape is changing, and not for the better. These vacancies aren't just numbers; they represent unfilled roles in program and service delivery—positions that directly touch the lives of those we strive to uplift.

One striking revelation from the survey is the impact on entry-level positions, the lifeblood of organizational growth. Shockingly, 41.1 percent of nonprofits find themselves unable to fill entry-level positions that provide direct service.

For many organizations, possibly yours, this means that people are not being served, waitlists are growing, and our missions are suffering. There is also a potential consequence of a ripple effect, creating a talent pipeline gap where our sector is not positioned for the growth and development of the next generation of nonprofit leaders.

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