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Why the Future of AI Relies on Women

Here are three reasons why this is true

Over the past few weeks, the OpenAI saga has played out in ways all too familiar to women in AI and tech. Sam Altman's ousting from OpenAI and rapid return based on a tsunami of public Silicon Valley power broker support, reinforced his white male god-like status without questioning exactly what lay behind the ousting and what future guardrails for safety might be necessary.

The reconstituted OpenAI board doubled down on the concept that "only white men get AI," while J. Edward Moreno’s ill-informed New York Times article "Who's Who Behind The Dawn Of The Modern AI Movement" erased women completely from its history.

Outraged women recommended many brilliant women for both the board and the article, such as Fei-Fei Li, Safiya Noble, Timnit Gebru, Joy Buolamwini, Deb Raji, Margaret Mitchell and Kate Crawford. Neither board nor article have yet been updated.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Fast Company.

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