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'Unplug Days' Aren't Another Workplace Gimmick

Research says they may be exceptionally beneficial

This emerging trend is designed to combat burnout and promote work-life balance and, thus, boost productivity.

By Dr. Gleb Tsipursky  (Oct. 14, 2023)

Welcome to the future of work, where the traditional 9-to-5 is being replaced by flexible schedules, remote work and now, "Unplug Days." These are days when companies give employees the freedom to step away from their desks, attend zero meetings, and even take the day off entirely. This emerging trend is designed to combat burnout and promote work-life balance, and, thus, boost productivity. But does it really work?

The psychological benefits: More than just a day off

At first glance, Unplug Days may seem like a glorified day off. However, the psychological impact is far more profound. These days serve as a mental "reset button," allowing employees to recharge and refocus. The absence of meetings and deadlines creates a low-pressure environment, fostering creativity and innovation. Employees return to work with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to tackle challenges with fresh perspectives.

Contrary to the notion that Unplug Days are a productivity drain, they can actually boost overall performance. A study published in the Harvard Business Review found that employees who take time off are more productive, engaged and less likely to leave their jobs. The benefits extend to employers as well, with lower turnover rates and higher employee satisfaction scores. In essence, Unplug Days can be a strategic investment in human capital, one that pays dividends in the long run.

While the concept is promising, there are potential downsides. For instance, some employees may misuse the freedom, leading to project delays. Others might feel pressured to work even harder the following day, negating the benefits.

The key to success lies in clear communication and setting boundaries. Companies should provide guidelines on how to make the most of Unplug Days without compromising productivity.

Case Study: Shopify's radical approach to reclaiming time

With Unplug Days gaining traction, let's examine a company that's taking a related approach to productivity and work-life balance: Shopify. The e-commerce giant recently made headlines by canceling all recurring meetings with more than two participants.

Employees were instructed to be highly critical when adding meetings back to their calendars, emphasizing that meetings should only be for essential discussions. The company also reinstated "meeting-free" Wednesdays and limited large meetings to a six-hour block on Thursdays. The aim? To make the company more operationally efficient, especially in a year when economic uncertainties loom large.

Shopify is challenging the conventional wisdom that meetings are the backbone of corporate productivity. By doing so, they are freeing up thousands of hours, allowing employees to focus on impactful work. The company even developed a bot to alert anyone attempting to schedule a meeting on a Wednesday, reinforcing the policy and encouraging thoughtful scheduling.

Shopify is even considering implementing a "budget" of meeting hours for managers and displaying the dollar value of participants' time during meetings. This is not just a policy; it's a statement. Shopify is saying that the most valuable resource is not managerial time but the time of individual contributors — the doers, the builders, the innovators.

Case Study: The four-day workweek revolution

Another related groundbreaking trend is making waves in the corporate world: the four-day workweek. This concept is not just a theoretical debate; it's a reality for a growing number of companies.

According to a report from, 20 percent of U.S. business leaders surveyed said their companies have already implemented a four-day workweek. Another 41 percent plan to do so, with half expecting to make the switch by the end of 2023. However, eligibility varies; 31 percent of leaders said all employees could participate, while others limited it to a subset based on factors like responsibility level, work location and performance.

The primary driver for this shift is to reduce employee turnover, cited by 92 percent of respondents. But there's more to it. Employers are also scrutinizing how time is spent during the workweek. The top time-waster? Meetings. This aligns with our earlier discussions on Unplug Days and meeting policies, reinforcing the need for companies to be more intentional about how time is allocated.

While companies are voluntarily adopting four-day workweeks, legislative support is growing. Bills have been introduced in at least six U.S. states to mandate, incentivize, or allow the switch. At the federal level, a bill aims to cap the workweek at 32 hours for hourly workers, requiring overtime pay beyond that limit.

Despite the enthusiasm, the four-day workweek is not universally applicable. Industries like healthcare, which require round-the-clock staffing, face challenges in implementation. Moreover, there are concerns that reducing hours could inadvertently harm workers by cutting their pay rather than increasing it.

One intriguing model combines the flexibility of remote work with a four-day workweek. Imagine Mondays and Tuesdays dedicated to remote work, Wednesdays and Thursdays for in-office collaboration, and Fridays for rest and relaxation. This hybrid approach could offer the best of both worlds, maximizing productivity while enhancing work-life balance.

The four-day workweek, like Unplug Days and meeting-free policies, offers a promising avenue for improving work-life balance and productivity. However, its success depends on thoughtful implementation and a willingness to adapt based on employee needs and industry requirements.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of work, these case studies serve as valuable experiments, each contributing unique insights into how we can work smarter, not harder.

Case Study: Hybrid flex-time model

As we explore various approaches to work-life balance and productivity, it's crucial to consider bespoke solutions tailored to specific organizational needs. One such innovative model comes from my own consultancy work, where I help clients navigate the complexities of hybrid work policies.

The cornerstone of this model is flexibility. Employees are encouraged to set their own schedules on remote workdays, with one exception: a shared time block, typically from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern Time. This window is strategically designed to accommodate both East and West Coast time zones, ensuring that everyone is online and available for rapid collaboration.

The beauty of this model lies in its psychological insight. By allowing employees to choose their work hours outside the shared time block, they can align their work with their natural energy cycles and lifestyle needs. Whether you're a morning person who thrives at dawn or a night owl who hits their stride in the evening, this model lets you work when you're at your best.

The results speak for themselves. Companies that have implemented this model report higher levels of employee satisfaction, reduced burnout, and, most importantly, increased productivity. The shared time block ensures that collaborative tasks are not compromised, while the flexibility empowers employees to manage their work-life balance more effectively.

The takeaway: Customization is key

The Flex-Time model is a testament to the power of customization. While Unplug Days, meeting-free policies, and four-day workweeks offer broad solutions, the most effective strategies are often those tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities of each organization. By combining the best elements of flexibility and structure, this model offers a nuanced approach that can be adapted to a wide range of corporate cultures and employee needs.

As we continue to redefine the future of work, it's clear that a multi-faceted approach is essential. Whether it's a company-wide policy like Shopify's or a customized strategy like the Flex-Time model, the goal remains the same: to create a work environment that fosters both productivity and well-being.

Please select this link to read the article as it originally appeared on Entrepreneur.

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