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Understanding "Hush Travel"

Gen Z workers secretly travel and hide it from their managers

Thanks to a parade of TikTok trends about young workers insisting on work-life balance -- from "bare minimum Mondays" to "lazy girl jobs" to "quiet quitting" -- a popular pastime of the older 30s has become complaining that kids these days just don't get it. Rather than put in the hard work that older generations did, this popular lament goes, Gen-Z are lazy, entitled or delusional about real life.

The latest ammunition in this tired conversation is a new survey of 916 adults aged 18 to 26 from ResumeBuilder that found fully 44 percent of Gen-Z workers have taken "hush trips," that is, a trip about which they didn't tell their boss and went on while pretending they were still back home. A few more statistics from the survey are sure to fuel even more hand-wringing about youthful slacking:

Please select this link to read the complete article from Inc.

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