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Changing Demographics: How a Young CEO Can Help

Younger leaders often appeal to and understand younger members more easily

To meet a generational shift in membership, the Washington State Association for Justice hired an executive director who looked like its younger members. What happens when the heavenly bodies align? We get the jaw-dropping beauty of this week’s total solar eclipse (or, in my case, a near-total solar eclipse) which makes us stop and think for a moment about our existence in the universe.

While it’s no solar eclipse, an alignment of leadership and membership can produce a similar “a-ha moment” for your association—something the Washington State Association for Justice is currently experiencing.

About a year ago, in response to increasing generational shifts among its 2,400 members, WSAJ decided to hire a young CEO: 34-year-old Liz Berry.

Please click here to read the complete article on Associations Now.

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