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Is an Email Marketing Price War on the Way?

Many email marketing service providers' pricing schemes feel destined for disruption

The pricing scheme for many email marketing service providers—which grows based on the size of your list—is one that feels destined for disruption down the line. A new tool from Microsoft suggests how such a disruption might happen.

You know how I know email marketing isn’t going anywhere anytime soon? Microsoft, whose email client has infamously been one of the biggest limitations of making good emails, just entered the market.

Earlier this month, Microsoft announced a new email marketing tool called Microsoft Connections as part of its Office 365 Business Premium suite. And while the concept got off to a bit of a rocky start—reports of issues using the newly released Android app are easy to find on its Google Play page—this represents sort of a game-changing move: To put it simply, the best-known maker of business software in the entire industry is suddenly interested in email marketing.

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