Complete Story


Uberization Giveth & Taketh from Associations

by Tom Morrison

We are all living in this new economy called Uberization (many refer to this as market disruption). Uberization is defined as a new, more cost effective and efficient business model that disrupts the current way of doing business. It's the biggest fear of most anyone in business. Uberization is being driven by 3 dynamic forces: emerging technologies, consumer buying-habit changes and demographics shifts.

Uberization is a funny thing, because as one set of market disruption can destroy your ability to compete and thrive,  another in turn creates unlimited opportunity. The question for every association is, "Do you know what you need to know to understand if Uberization is going to create unbelievable threats or unlimited opportunities for you?" If you don't, you better find out NOW. 

Let me give you a clear example of an industry that is living on both sides of UBERIZATION.  

Please click here to read the full post from Tom Morrison's great blog - . 

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